Ik zou deze aanpak volgen:
If you can't find any literature online that lists the length, and if you can't find a source for blades where the guy/gal at the counter/on the phone says, "Oh yes, a Subem three wheel saw; that'll take an X length blade," set the tension adjusting wheel - probably the one at the back of the wheel - as "loose" as possible, then take a tape measure and run it around all three wheels, as if it's a blade. If you've got a narrow tape (1/4" in the U.S. - 6mm?), which will be flat, use that one. Overlap the tape and read the measurement where it meets the 1" or similar mark, then subtract the mark (that is, if it reads 99 inches at the one inch mark, your measurement of the distance is 98 inches). Round up a bit (1/2"/13mm?), so you can slip the blade on, and order that length