Elm Jewellery Box

Ian Hawthorne

Nieuw lid
14 aug 2011
Hi All

I am new to the forum and hope you all don't mind me posting in English. I have been a boxmaker for about 10 years and have made it a fulltime business - I make mostly to commission and also sell my boxes through several galleries when I get time to produce my own designs, below is a box I made a while ago and have made several similar looking ones since then.

This box is made from Elm with curly maple trays and lined in royal blue suede. The lid consists of 3 elm burr rectangles wrapped with a fine black border set into a bleached white veneer. The lid is bordered with black acetal with art deco polyester inlays. The hardware is good quality nickel and it has a white escutcheon with fine border. It was to go to the Designyard Gallery in Dublin but sold before I could get it packaged.

Cheers Ian









Post veel
14 jun 2009
Hello Ian, you guys from Ireland are more than welcome.
The last month or so I was there (july 7th - 4th august) and I backpacked. Started in Belfast ended in Cork. Before that I was 2,5 months in Scotland (you don't mind do you..? ;) ) I really enjoyed it, the country, the people, everything!

The box looks amazing en very proffesionel. Do you have more pics of you're work?

I was also at the Arts festival in Galway. I visited a gallery and I saw a table of Joseph Walsh. That man is mental in how he creates things out of wood. Really, visited his website http://www.josephwalshstudio.com/ and then go to the table called 'Erosion'. I'm still a bit mind fucked how he made that table so perfectly curved... And still I don't know how he did it.

He lives in county Cork but I was running out of time to visit him... (The place Doolin is to much fun :mrgreen:)I didn't really see much woodworking in Ireland except for sometimes a van passing by with some kind of construction company that also was a joiner. Is there a lot of furniture making in Ireland?


Ian Hawthorne

Nieuw lid
14 aug 2011
Thanks guys - Yes Renault J Walsh produces some very fine and out of this world pieces.
Ireland is a great place and we holiday every year here not because we are cheap but for the beauty on our doorstep. Lots of craft makers in Ireland - take a look at the ccoi website.

Thanks Arthur I was given the elm burr by a retired wood turner many years ago - he called to our door one day with 2 large bags of elm burr and gave them to me free of charge WOW, I then cut some into veneers for that project.

These were commissioned by the Designyard in Dublin, for one of their clients. They liked our Oak Furnace trinket boxes that are on display at the gallery, and wanted to incorporate a butterfly theme, so what could be more fitting for butterfly wings than a bookmatch in Oak Burr. Each lid is bordered using rich brown American Walnut and the inside lid is lined with black lamb nappa, the front has an aluminium art deco style disc which was made at the mill.

The boxes are finished throughout with several coats of blonde shellac prior to waxing.







Ian Hawthorne

Nieuw lid
14 aug 2011
Hi Rick

I was going to email you later letting you know that I have joined the forum - guess you beat me to it :).

No t-shirts yet demand to low :)



Ps I should say you guys type excellent English - makes me feel rather embarrassed as I don't speak you language. :oops:


Actieve deelnemer
16 nov 2009
Welcome to this forum and you are never too old to learn :)

And probably the guys here use google translator, no just kidding.


9 mrt 2008
Hi Ian, welcome to our forum and as you see, a lot of Dutch master your language quit well. Spotted you on facebook when Rick made some nice comments and at the same time I saw your Bespoke Royal Wedding Box for HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton on FF&C.
A lot more info about the wedding box and e.g. the special hardware is on Ian's [url+http://hawthornecrafts.com]website[/url]

Thanks for joining us and we like to hear and see more of course!



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